365 days (early access)
“365 days” is Georgy.Design’s private community in Telegram — it’s a way for our dedicated fans to look behind the scenes of our business journey, get early access and discounts for our products and services, enjoy various discounts and promo-codes, talk to each other, and even find a new project on our exclusive job-board.
Our goal is to build self-driven community of passionate makers, designers, developers, artists, and other cool folks while we share the knowledge and experience to improve their lives, at least a little bit.
Currently, with each day price increase, you can purchase an early access for a fixed price. Meaning, it’s a lifetime access to the private community. However, it’ll be transitioned to a subscription model after the launch — access will cost $365 per year for those who didn’t get the lifetime offer.
The locked price will last for some time, then the monetization will be transitioned to a subscription model — $365 per year.
All payments are handled by Lemon Squeezy since we sell our products there. Affiliate program is ETA too, but it’s definitely gonna be a thing — maybe even before the launch.
The access is guaranteed after the early access purchase, however, it’s important to keep in mind, that purchasing it right now is considered as a pre-registration. Meaning, you will get the access, but a full proper release is still TBA.
Due to a nature of the product/service, we won’t issue any refunds. You are buying access to the private community, after all.